It started numerous exceptional series which are famous worldwide such as The Sims, Star Wars, BattleField, and the Plants VS Zombies. have built thousands of games for almost all the consoles, including Smartphones and Computers. However, tricks can also be played and still work.Elextronic Arts Inc. Some quests like Takes Three to Tango ask to play types of zombies.Huge-Gigantacus' 4th Hero Quest is the only Hero Quest that requires the player to craft an environment.As of the 1.14.13 update, due to changes in the rarity of several uncommon cards required for quest number 4, the amount of sparks acquired from completing quest number 3 will be insufficient, thus forcing the player to either finish other heroes' quest series or buy lots of card packs to get excess cards to be recycled.Examples are Grass Knuckles' "Let's Get This over With" and Chompzilla's "A Strong Finish." On some updates, a few quests are bugged and will not reward the player even if they player has completed the challenge.In addition, Captain Combustible, Chompzilla, and Rustbolt's 8th Quests are the only Hero Quests that require crafting a trick.Chompzilla, Immorticia, and Impfinity's 4th quests are the only Hero Quests that require crafting a trick.The name of Rose's first Hero Quest is a possible reference to the achievement with a similar name from Plants vs.Heroes affected by this bug were Citron, Grass Knuckles, Nightcap, Rose, Captain Combustible, Brain Freeze, Professor Brainstorm, Immorticia, Z-Mech, and Neptuna.The reward for completing quest number 7 for several heroes was 240 sparks, which was not enough to craft the required card for the next quest.It is possible this was a debugging card that is still in the code.There is a glitch where the final step of The Smash's Hero Quest gives a new superpower, "0 Plant Board Clear Cheat 0." Its description says "Destroy all fighters.".This is because the game won't allow the player to craft another one of these cards, so the game just gives the player the quest completion to avoid both the player's confusion and a waste of sparks on a redundant card.If the player already has four of a card that needs to be crafted, viewing the plant/zombie needing to be crafted will award the player the quest completion.The name of Wall-Knight's 1st Hero Quest is a reference to MC Hammer's U Can't Touch This.Progressing in Hero Quest will also unlock the heroes' Premium packs as hourly offers randomly available in the Store's For You section. The 9th's reward is 200 sparks, and the 10th's is always said heroes' Premium pack. The 7th will always reward the player with 250 sparks, the 8th always gives a Premium - Rare or Premium - Super-Rare card. The 3rd task always gives the player 50 sparks, the 4th will always give them a Premium - Uncommon card. The rewards for completing each quest are acquired the same way as normal quests the player taps on the reward. The rest of the tasks vary depending on the hero. The first task always involves playing two of the hero's Superpowers, the fourth task involves crafting a specified Uncommon card, the eighth task involves crafting a specified Rare card, and the final task involves winning 3 Multiplayer matches. To complete a Hero Quest, the player must complete 10 different tasks.

Doing the task as any other hero does not count towards the task progress. For example, to do Green Shadow's quest related to playing Pea plants, the player has to play as Green Shadow to be able to complete the task. In order to do a hero's Hero Quests, the player must complete it while playing with the hero the quest is tied to. Each hero has their own unique set of Hero Quests. They give various useful rewards including gems, sparks, new cards and even Premium Packs designed for certain heroes. Zombies Heroes, added in the 1.6.27 update. Hero Quests are series of ten quests in Plants vs.